Friday, April 6, 2012

Rock 'N Learn - Sight Words DVD Review

Rock 'N Learn is an amazing learning tool. They have taken learning and set it to music to help children grasp it easier and enjoy it more. There are a huge variety of fun learning tools available ranging from reading and phonics to foreign language.

I was so excited to get to review Rock 'N Learn's Sight Words. It is geared towards Pre-K & up children, and has over 60 sight words. Some of the words included are: up, down, where, there, said, help, they, on, look, and so many more. The characters are fun to watch, and the music is very catchy. I even found myself singing the songs.

My five year old daughter is in school already. She has learned quite a few of the words from this dvd but she still had such a great time. She did learn some new words, she was up dancing and singing along with the songs. She was even teaching her little sister some of the words as they went through the songs. My three year old daughter loved this dvd so much. She wanted to watch it over and over again. She was singing the songs pretty well, and even picking up on the words. My two year old son didn't know the words but he still danced around and had a great time with this video. It kept all three of their attention the entire 50 minutes which is not an easy task.

I loved the Sight Words dvd. I've been browsing their site and I really want to get their Colors, Shapes, & Counting dvd, as well as all three of their Alphabet dvds. Be sure and stop by the Rock 'N Learn website to learn more about their great products.

Use this coupon code to get 25% off your purchase - JQ7711

Be sure to go through and see what other Karma Media bloggers thought of this awesome learning dvd!

Enter below for your chance to win your own copy of Sight Words from Rock 'N Learn! a Rafflecopter giveaway

I received one or more of the products listed above in exchange for my honest review. All thoughts and opinions are 100% my own. This post was brought to you by Karma Media.


  1. PreK and Kindergarten would be my choice for my 4 1/2 yr old grandson. Thanks for the chance.

  2. Couldn't find 1niftymom anywhere (???)

    1. Thank you for letting me know! It should be fixed now so you can do it.

  3. Sight Words (Preschool & Kindergarten) and Colors, Shapes & Counting both look great!

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